School Year Calendar

All the important dates for this school year


Mental Health

Learn more about caring for yourself and others


Report It!
Take Action

Where students can get help when bullied and harassed


YCDSB Multi-Year
Strategic Plan

The Board’s guiding document until 2028




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School News

SBA Supports The Orange Shirt Society!

During the week of September 9th, staff and students are invited to purchase a limited edition SBA Orange Shirt, designed by one of our very own student artists. A full range of sizes are available. 100% of all funds raised will be donate to The Orange Shirt Society. The mandate of The Orange Shirt Society is education and in the words of Chief Justice Murray ... Continue reading "SBA Supports The Orange Shirt Society!"

Upcoming Long Term Accommodation Plan (LTAP) Sessions

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We would like your input on the Draft 2024-2029 Long Term Accommodation Plan (LTAP) as presented at the Board meeting on April 30, 2024. A project page to provide you with information has been created on the YCDSB website for your reference.

The LTAP is a comprehensive, multi-year document that guides ... Continue reading "Upcoming Long Term Accommodation Plan (LTAP) Sessions"

REVISED Student and Parent Handbook

A copy of the revised Student and Parent Handbook has been emailed to all parents, guardians and students so that it can be referred to on an ongoing basis. The handbook contains all the necessary information so that we as a community remain on the same page about the day-to-day expectations and operations of the school. There are also a number of helpful links for ... Continue reading "REVISED Student and Parent Handbook"

COMPLETE Class of 2024 Programme

Thanks to all Graduates, parents and guardian for their patience as we updated the program that was provided at this year’s Graduation ceremony. We recently updated the programme to include the names of award winners that we were not able to include in the initial publishing. To view the updated programme, click on this link:


You can also ... Continue reading "COMPLETE Class of 2024 Programme"

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Board News

2024-2029 Long Term Accommodation Plan

We would like your input on the Draft 2024-2029 Long Term Accommodation Plan (LTAP) as presented at the Board meeting on April 30, 2024. A project page to provide you with information has been created on the YCDSB website for your reference.

The LTAP is a comprehensive, multi-year document that guides future accommodation planning

... Continue reading "2024-2029 Long Term Accommodation Plan"

Summer assessments for secondary students who are new to Canada

Summer assessments for secondary students who are new to Canada
Newcomer Secondary Student Assessments

Assessments for secondary students who are new to Canada need to be completed before a student can register for high school. Appointments for assessments can be booked by calling the Board’s head office (ext. 12433) or by emailing newcomer.reception@ycdsb.ca. Registrations for all secondary students will take place at local Catholic high schools starting Monday, August 19th. Complete the registration

... Continue reading "Summer assessments for secondary students who are new to Canada"

Help Us Hire a New Director of Education

Help Us Hire a New Director of Education

“Where there is no guidance, a nation falls, but in an abundance of counsellors there is safety.” –Proverbs 11:14

The connection of home, school, and parish is what makes Catholic education unique. This connection recognizes that the community matters and that everyone benefits when the community is involved in our schools.

With this in mind, the York ... Continue reading "Help Us Hire a New Director of Education"

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