Pathway Planning for the 2020-2021 School Year
SBA students….as you review your course verifications, you may find you need assistance with pathway...
Sem 1 Final Exam Schedule
Semester 1 Exams run Jan 24-29, 2020. Access the Semester 1 Final Exam Schedule here:...
Grad Photo Appointments
Graduating Students are asked to come to the main office during their lunch or spare...
St. Brother Andre has SOMETHING FOR EVERYONE, from Advanced Placement, Specialist High Skills Major, Hospitality...
Open House for Gr. 8 Parents and Families
Gr. 8 Parents and Families are invited to an Open House on Nov. 6, 2019...
SBA’s Catholic School Council Presents Speaker Paul Davis
Join us on Nov. 1, 2019 @6:45pm as Paul Davis shares his insights and advice...