Category: Board News
Virtual Open Houses to be held for students entering High School next year
This fall, the York Catholic District School Board will host a series of virtual high school open houses for graduating elementary school students and their parents who will start secondary school next September. All Grade 8 students and their parents who reside ... Continue reading "Virtual Open Houses to be held for students entering High School next year"
October 21st is Child Care Worker and Early Childhood Educator Appreciation Day!
The 21st Annual Child Care Worker and Early Childhood Educator Appreciation Day is Thursday, October 21, 2021!
The York Catholic District School Board takes this opportunity to recognize and thanks its many Early Childhood Educators (ECEs), Child Care Workers and Early Years’ staff who work in our Kindergarten classes, schools, and affiliated child care centres.
YCDSB recognizes that years of research ... Continue reading "October 21st is Child Care Worker and Early Childhood Educator Appreciation Day!"
Today is World Teachers’ Day!
World Teachers’ Day is held annually on October 5th to celebrate all teachers around the world. Our York Catholic schools, as well as those right across the globe have been greatly affected by the COVID-19 Pandemic. The support of teachers is essential to the worldwide recovery and that is why the theme for this year’s World Teachers Day is, “Teachers at the heart of ... Continue reading "Today is World Teachers’ Day!"
Youth who are new to Canada are invited to attend school orientation programs
The York Catholic District School Board, in partnership with Catholic Community Services of York Region and Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada is proud to offer two school orientation programs for newcomers to Canada. Newcomer students and their parents who moved to Canada in 2021 or 2020, as well as ESL/ELL students are strongly encouraged ... Continue reading "Youth who are new to Canada are invited to attend school orientation programs"
School Transportation Information for the New School Year
Student Transportation Services of York Region (STSYR) is the transportation consortium for the York Catholic District School Board (YCDSB) and the York Region District School Board (YRDSB). STSYR provides service to more than 56,000 students in 300+ schools, covering more than 90,000 kilometers daily. STSYR works closely with school bus ... Continue reading "School Transportation Information for the New School Year"