Next week our Grade 10s will be engaging in the OSSLT (the Ontario Secondary School Literacy Test).
The schedule is as follows:
Students in ENG 2P and ENG 2L in second semester, will start the test on Monday, April 17 during Period 3 and 4 and continue on Tuesday, April 18.
April 17th – Guest Speaker Event
Dear Parents & Guardians:
Please find attached an invitation to parents/guardians for Social Media and Your Kids, on Monday, April 17th at 7:30 pm.
Yours sincerely,
SBA Administration
Opportunity for Parents/Guardians
The Mental Health Team at the York Catholic District School Board is excited to partner with Common Compass (Ontario non-profit organization which partners with schools to strengthen social-emotional wellbeing and mental health), for a session jam-packed full of practical, evidence-informed strategies parents can begin using at home today to support their child through stress and anxiety.
May 3, 2023 from 7:00 ... Continue reading "Opportunity for Parents/Guardians"
Civics and Careers Turnaround Date
Please note that any grade 10 students currently taking Civics will change to Careers (and vice versa) on Monday, April 17th.