Category: General

Getting Ready for the OSSLT- Again!

On March 30th, grade 10 and some grade 11 students will write the Ontario Secondary School Literacy Test (OSSLT). This is a graduation requirement and the passing score is 300/400 points.

To help our students prepare, there will be some opportunities for instruction and practice of the key skills evaluated on the test provided at school:

1.) Teachers of all grade ... Continue reading "Getting Ready for the OSSLT- Again!"

Nov. 24 – Post Secondary Pathways Fair

All students (especially those in Grades 11 and 12!) and their parents/guardians are invited to attend our annual Post Secondary Pathways Fair this Thursday from 6:00 to 8:30 p.m. It is never too early to start researching and planning!

Grade 11s …you need to start your research in order to prepare for course selection in February 2017.

... Continue reading "Nov. 24 – Post Secondary Pathways Fair"