Category: General

Attendance Matters

Attendance has a direct impact on student achievement. When a student is present at school, he/she increases the potential to maximize achievement. When a student is unable to attend school. clear and open communication between home and school is important in order to support students. The Student Hub highlights all of the attendance procedures that are followed at St. Brother André which cover ... Continue reading "Attendance Matters"

Community Service Hours for Graduating Students

Any Grade 12 student who wishes to be considered for any of the awards given at the Graduation ceremony that are connected to service hours must submit by FRIDAY, APRIL 21st. The minimum requirement for an Ontario Secondary School Diploma is 40 hours. Click here for more information.

The Season of Lent is Upon Us…

Lent is a time of spiritual renewal and great anticipation. While many view this liturgical season as solemn time, especially as we remember the agony of Jesus’ passion, it is also a time of hope. It was through Christ’s ultimate sacrifice, death on the cross, that we are promised the fullness of salvation. As people of the resurrection, we will spend the next 40 days ... Continue reading "The Season of Lent is Upon Us…"