Category: General


The Special Education Advisory Committee (SEAC) is a group that provides important advice on special education to the York Catholic District School Board (YCDSB). It is made up of representatives from the Board of Trustees, local agencies and associations that further the well-being of exceptional students in the YCDSB. SEAC makes recommendations on matters affecting the establishment, development and delivery of special education programs and ... Continue reading "YCDSB SEAC Meetings"

Requesting Course Changes


 myBlueprint is not accurate as data will not be updated until late Sept.

Students were given the opportunity to change courses during the course verification process. Now that timetables have been completed during the scheduling process, counsellors can only consider requests that impact graduation requirements.

The deadline to request a S1 course

... Continue reading "Requesting Course Changes"

Parking Safety

The City of Markham is working to reduce unsafe vehicular activity in school zones by communicating to you the common school zone parking violations. Please HERE for more information.