The uniform is to be purchased at DGN Kilters and is to be worn properly at all times. The Brother André uniform is simple and the wearing of it must also be done uniformly. The components of our uniform are outlined below and no additions will be accepted.
Compulsory Items
- Official school golf shirt, long or short sleeve, white or navy blue.
- Official mid-grey pants
- All black full shoes
Optional Items
- Official navy blue school sweater (1/4 zip)
- Plain, white, black or grey short sleeved T-shirt under golf shirt; long sleeves are not permitted under golf shirts
Uniform infractions
Uniform infractions will result in one or more of the following consequences:
- detentions
- being sent home to change or obtain the proper items
- being suspended from school.
Civvies Days
Proper student behaviour and modesty of dress consistent with the philosophy and values of our school, is expected on these days.