2024 YCDSB Student Census

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The YCDSB is conducting a student census. Our school will be participating on Monday, March 25 at 1:30. All grade levels will be participating simultaneously. On March 25th, students will receive an invitation to complete the Student Census in their K12 email accounts with personalized links, which are not shareable.

The Student Census is voluntary. Students may choose to skip questions or not participate at all. However, the higher the completion rate, the richer and more reliable the information will be to support student and school improvement. In addition, please note the following:

  • All schools must administer the Student Census to their students by providing time for its completion during the school day.
  • The Student Census consists of questions about students’ experiences, well-being, sense of belonging, gender, religion, ethnicity, race, first languages, nationality, and disability. Grades 7 – 12 students will be asked an additional question about their sexuality.
  • The Student Census is confidential but not anonymous. The data gathered from the census will be tied to student records to identify barriers to student learning and well-being.
  • The YCDSB has a legal and ethical duty to protect participants’ confidentiality and privacy. Only authorized YCDSB Research staff will have access to student data.
  • Reports will never single out or identify a student or family and will only be reported in summary to provide an understanding of the needs of school communities.

This is a wonderful opportunity for students to offer feedback and have their voices heard!